Independent Film Channel

Charles Dewandeler was the "featured director" on the November 2006 episode of "Uploaded" which aired on the Independent Film Channel.

Air times:
Monday, Nov. 6th 2006 @ 8:30 pm eastern time
Tuesday, Nov. 7th 2006 @ 12:35 am eastern time
Thursday, Nov. 9th 2006 @ 7:45 am eastern time

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Below are the three videos which were featured in part or in whole on IFc "Uploaded" !!!

Charles Directing Advice Vlogs
1 - Intro
2 - Script
3 - Unexpected
4 - Actors
5 - Film Tips
6 - Distribution
Charles the Director
Parody Trailer
Charles Interview
Charles the Editor
Editing Reel
Charlie Sheen
How To/ Alcoholic
Charles the Actor
Acting Reel
Zit Pop Fail
Other Random Nonsense
Harry Potter Spoof
Gay Date

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