T.W.O. Show Results - Dangerzone 87
Zombie & The Druid  vs.
Out of This World
Because of their cheating last week, Superbman & Zygoplath (Out of This World) were challenged to tag team competition by Zombie & The Druid. Though they are not typically tag team partners, Zombie & The Druid did work well together and even won the match.

Winners:  Zombie & The Druid
Army Dude was in his lockeroom when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find someone he hadn't seen in a long time. A friend from back in his military years by the name of Korpral. The Dude asked Korpral what he was doing in town and Korpral said he had seen him on TV last week losing a match to Nymphous Fornicate.

Korpral said that tonight, he was hoping Army Dude would allow him to be Dude's tag team partner and together they could face Nymphous Fornicate and Bad Boy Barrett of AssassiNation in tag team action. Army Dude happily agreed.
Tsunami  vs.  Jade
In only her second match with the T.W.O., Tsunami challenged female veteran Jade in classic women's competition. In the end, it was Tsunami's martial arts mastery that gained her yet another impressive victory.

Winner:  Tsunami
Female competitor Ginger watched the match in disgust, saying that it is a travesty that this newcomer has been given 2 television appearances in 2 weeks, and she (Ginger) wasn't even given one match.
Korpral & Army Dude
vs. The AssassiNation
Earlier tonight, The Dude was shocked to see an old military associate (Korpral) join the T.W.O. ranks. To make up for Dude's loss last week, Korpral & Army Dude challenged The AssassiNation (Nymphous Fornicate & Bad Boy Barrett) to tag team competition, and came out victorious.

Winners:  Korpral & Army Dude
Zombie & The Druid were so proud of their work as a tag team earlier tonight that they agreed to tag together again next week.
Billy HaRdCoRe vs. John Cynic
In a rematch from last week, Billy HaRdCoRe & John Cynic promised to fight fair and let the best man win. Though their fight was not completely fair (the referee did let a little go) it was an entertaining match which had Cynic come away the victor.

Winner:  John Cynic
HaRdCoRe Champion Allen Vector said that he is still unsure of his brother Arachnid's condition since getting injured in their HaRdCoRe Match at the PPV a couple weeks back. However, Vector wished his brother well and has vowed not to defend the HaRdCoRe Championship until it is announced that Arachnid is OK, or returns to action.
Tag Team Championships
Law & Order vs. Trash Wrassla's
In their first Tag Title Defense, The Trash Wrassla's took on Law & Order. The match was close until Supply & Demand (Crack-Edd & Arabian Pimpman) interfered and cost Law & Order the match. Who knows why these teams keep attacking each other but something must be done about it!

Winners:  Trash Wrassla's
Korpral congratulated Army Dude on their tag team victory over the AssassiNation earlier in the evening. "But," Korpral said, "I did not come to the T.W.O. to be your tag team partner. Next week I want to see you re-enter singles competition with the kind of confidence and work-ethic you displayed tonight. I want you to fight Nymphous Fornicate in a re-match from last week, only next week I want you to win. And if there is any trouble with the AssassiNation, I will be at ringside to watch your back."
Spaz  vs.  Skarekro
In his first match since his loss at Redemption a couple weeks back, Spaz put on an amazing fight against not only Skarekro, but Skarekro's tag team partner Skavenger as well. After "spazing out" on both individuals, he was able to gain a pinfall.

Winner:  Spaz
Arabian Pimpman & Crack-Edd (Supply & Demand) told our interviewer that they have been granted a Tag Team Championship title shot next week against The Trash Wrasslas.

The interviewer then asked what was going on between Supply & Demand and Law & Order. The only response he could get was that Narc (a member of Law & Order) had been spreading some rumors about Supply & Demand.

But what were those rumors? They wouldn't say. What will happen when Supply & Demand challenge for the tag belts? Find out next week.

In the first edition of The Main Event, our hosts Paramecium & Scott Thunder interviewed T.W.O. World Heavyweight Champion Stryknieghn. They began the interview by congratulating Stryknieghn on his impressive victory over Spaz at Redemption a couple weeks back. Then things turned sour.

Paramecium criticized Stryknieghn for fighting his little brother 'Cunning' Chris last week. Stryknieghn defended himself, saying that Chris had been the one who petitioned the Board of Commissioners for a title shot.

Paramecium would not accept Stryknieghn's excuse. He said that Stryknieghn should never fight someone who is obviously younger and in a lower weight class like T.W.O. Lightheavyweight Champion 'Cunning' Chris.

Due to minor injuries suffered during the match last week, Paramecium said that he will not allow his brother 'Cunning' Chris to defend the Lightheavyweight Championship until further notice, and Stryknieghn is to blame.

Paramecium also said that he had not forgiven Stryknieghn for stealing his HaRdCoRe Championship at Extravaganza 4 last year and if Stryknieghn was looking for a fight then he found one in Paramecium.

"What are you trying to say?" Stryknieghn asked.

"I'm saying," Paramecium responded, "if you want to prove yourself as World Heavyweight Champion why don't you defend your belt against a true Heavyweight contender, a former 3-time Heavyweight Champion like me!"

"When?" Stryknieghn asked.

"Any time big man!" yelled Paramecium.

Suddenly, music blared over the speakers and Spaz came out to the ring. "While we're talking about title shots, when am I getting my re-match?" Spaz asked, "that was bullsh*t that I lost at Redemption and if given another chance, I know I can win the belt!"

Paramecium & Scott Thunder refused to give Spaz another shot saying that he missed his chance. Then Spaz pulled out a piece of paper, "I was going to give you guys a chance to take the highroad, but you're forcing me to go over your heads. This is a letter from the Board of Commissioners and it grants me a World Heavyweight Title re-match next week at Dangerzone 88."

Scott Thunder: That's fine with us, but what your letter doesn't state, is who will be the referee. Therefore Paramecium, the CEO of this company, will have to choose a fair and impartial official.

Paramecium:  And I can think of no better official than the President of the company Scott Thunder.

You heard it here first on The Main Event. Spaz will challenge Stryknieghn for the World Heavyweight Championship next week at Dangerzone 88 with Scott Thunder as special guest referee.
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