T.W.O. Show Results - Dangerzone 92
Dangerzone 92 began as Mr. Malicious came out to the ring to congratulate the entire T.W.O. roster on a great Dangerzone last week. He then announced that we will be treated to some great matches tonight.

We already know about the 6-way Women's tag team match tonight, but Mr. Malicious said he had a couple more announcements. Even though John Cynic was pinned in the tag team match last week against Paramecium & Scott Thunder, Malicious said he will be rewarded tonight for his hard work and undeniable talent. Therefore John Cynic will be given a World Heavyweight Title shot at Stryknieghn.

In tonight's Main Event, Paramecium & Scott Thunder will be forced to compete again. Because they won their tag team match last week, they would be given a more formidable challenge tonight as they faced an onslaught of T.W.O. Superstars in a "Gauntlet Match."
Trash Wrassla's  vs.
Supply & Demand
In their first tag team match since losing the Championship belts, The Trash Wrassla's took on Arabian Pimpman & Crack-Edd (Supply & Demand). After winning the match, Trash Wrassla's Jim Bob & Billy Bob announced that they have been guaranteed a Tag Title shot next week.

Winners:  Trash Wrassla's
The Acronyms (PAB & DMS) were seen polishing their Tag Team Championship belts when suddenly the lights went out. When they came back on, 2 of Skarekro's signature dolls were sitting on top of the Championship belts. A sign that Skarekro & Skavenger were planning on taking the titles later in the evening.
HaRdCoRe Championship
Korpral  vs.  Allen Vector
For several months, Allen Vector has successfully defended his HaRdCoRe Championship against a plethora of talent. Tonight was no different. After a fierce competition, Vector hoisted Korpral onto his shoulders and slammed him into the ground (a fireman's carry) for the 1-2-3.

Winner:  Allen Vector
Arachnid talked John Cynic up about his World Title Shot later tonight, telling him that it was his night and his biggest career opportunity to date. "I can't be out there with you tonight because Paramecium & Scott Thunder have taken away my managerial license but I will be watching on the monitors and I want to see you win the belt!"
Nikki, Jade, Missy  Maniac vs.
Sugar Kooky, Tsunami, Ginger
Those who like women's competition loved our next match. 6 females competed in a crazy 3-on-3 match which spilt all over the backyard as officials lost complete control. In the midst of all this mayhem, Sugar Kooky was able to gain a shocking pinfall on Women's Champion Missy Maniac.

Winner:  Sugar Kooky
The Exclusive is a new weekly talk segment, initiated by Mr. Malicious and hosted by the T.W.O. Interviewer. This week's guests:  Zygoplath & The Druid.

The T.W.O. Interviewer began by asking how Zygoplath & The Druid became friends. Up until Rage Party '03 (a couple weeks back) they had been hated enemies. But according to Zygoplath & The Druid, during the course of their PPV match they realized that they actually had more in common than they thought. When they became enraged with the referee, they chokeslammed her and skipped off into the sunset.

Since then, Zygoplath & The Druid have spent a lot of time together, trained together, and even competed in tag team action last week. Even though they lost, they said they would love to do it again. Then the T.W.O. Interviewer asked about Zygoplath's tag team partner Superbman. (Together Zygoplath & Superbman comprise the tag team "Out of This World")

Zygoplath said last-he-heard, Superbman was doing well and would soon return to action. But surprise-surprise, "soon" came sooner than Zygoplath thought as Superbman came out to the ring.

Superbman:  How could you join forces with The Druid after he took me out of action?

Zygoplath:  I'm sorry but I didn't intend for it to work out that way.

Superbman:  Where you planning on replacing me as your tag team partner?

Zygoplath:  NO! I was going to tell you as soon as you got back. I was hoping the 3 of us could tag together.

Superbman:  The three of us? You want me to team with him?

Druid:  I'm terribly sorry for injuring you. I was having a bad day and I didn't mean to take it out on you personally. Sometimes I take things a little too far.

Zygoplath:  I thought his attitude could come in handy for us. He can be a fierce competitor and very intimidating to our opponents. He can help us win matches. Maybe even regain the Tag Team Championships.

Superbman:  That sounds like a good idea... I guess.

The Druid:  Give me a chance, you won't regret it.

Zygoplath:  Besides, would you rather have him working with us or against us?

Superbman:  I guess I would have to say... with. But he isn't from another planet like you and I. Could he really be part of a team called Out of This World?

The Druid:  Just because I am not literally from another planet, doesn't mean that I'm not from a strange place and thought of as different. Just think of me as being "Out of This World" from a figurative standpoint.

Superbman:  I guess I could give it a try.

T.W.O. Interviewer:  Good, because I've just been told that since Superbman has now been given a doctor's release, the three of you will be in 6-man tag team competition next week. And your opponents will be the 3 person team of Law & Order.
Tag Team Championships
Skavenger & Skarekro
vs.  The Acronyms
Continuing their tag title reign, PAB & DMS (The Acronyms) defeated Skavenger & Skarekro. Afterward, The Trash Wrassla's came out to the ring boasting that they would regain the belts next week. The Acronyms would not take their lip and promised that they would retain the belts w/ little or no resistance.

Winners:  The Acronyms
Since she had pinned the Women's Champion earlier tonight (in tag team competition) Sugar Kooky asked Board of Commissioners Chairman Mr. Malicious if she would be allowed to challenge Missy Maniac for the Women's Championship next week.

Mr. Malicious agreed.
Tune in next week to find out if Sugar Kooky can pin the Champion 2 weeks in a row!
World Heavyweight Championship
John Cynic  vs.  Stryknieghn
Mr. Malicious granted Cynic a title shot tonight in recognition of Cynic's hard work and dedication to the sport. However, John Cynic did not appear ready for such an honor as Stryknieghn seemingly won the match with ease. Arachnid (Cynic's mentor) was seem watching a backstage monitor in disgust.

Winner:  Stryknieghn
A look backstage showed several individuals waiting for a chance to compete in the Gauntlet Match, including Bad Boy Barrett & Nymphous Fornicate of the AssassiNation.
Gauntlet Match Featuring:
Scott Thunder & Paramecium
In our final contest of the evening, Mr. Malicious forced Scott Thunder & Paramecium to take on a variety of T.W.O. Superstars in a Gauntlet Match. The match began with The AssassiNation and continued with one tag team after another, as Thunder and Paramecium continued to defeat each team. After defeating about half-a-dozen teams,
Thunder and Paramecium seemed to be feeling a little tired as if one more team could do them in. Then Mr. Malicious announced himself and Billy HaRdCoRe as the final duo to challenge the CEO & President of T.W.O. Entertainment.

Scott Thunder and Paramecium mustered up enough energy to battle Malicious & Billy HaRdCoRe for another 12 minutes before finally being defeated. Final tally's indicated that Scott Thunder & Paramecium lasted an impressive 27 minutes, and defeated 12 T.W.O. Superstars before being pinned by Mr. Malicious & Billy HaRdCoRe. An impressive showing even though they didn't win.

Winners:  Mr. Malicious & Billy HaRdCoRe
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