The show began as T.W.O. CEO Paramecium came out to the ring with a special announcement. Paramecium said that Cadavor had suffered severe head and neck trauma from his match with Stryknieghn at our last PPV.
Therefore, Cadavor would be stripped of the T.W.O. World Heavyweight Championship and a tournament would be held to crown a new champion.
A total of 32 seats will be opened for the tournament making it the largest singles tournament in T.W.O. history. The opening round brackets will begin at next weeks Dangerzone 72, and the tournament will continue until our next PPV event, The Master of the Mat 2003. That night, the final brackets of the tournament will be held, and a new World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned.
Furthermore, Stryknieghn will be suspended until next week, due to his un-sports-man-like conduct during his World Title Match at our last PPV.
For more information on our last PPV visit: BIG BAD BATTLE '03
Arabian Pimpman approached Spaz backstage and thanked him for releasing Sugar Kooky from the evil clutches of Sinsyde a couple weeks ago. However, Pimpman continued, because Sugar Kooky was originally his head ho a few months back, she should be allowed to return home to her Pimp.
Spaz said that Sugar Kooky was allowed to do whatever she wished, and she didn't chose to return to her Pimp, she chose instead to join Spaz.
Pimpman was greatly insulted and demanded a chance to prove his manhood in a match tonight against Spaz. And so the mixed tag match was signed, Sugar Kooky & Spaz vs. Arabian Pimpman & Crack-Edd.
Sinsyde vs. Mr. Malicious
Our first match at Dangerzone 71 featured the returning Mr. Malicious as he took on and defeated former Hell's Faction leader Sinsyde.
It was announced that the T.W.O. Board of Commissioners had decided on a main event match tonight. Tag Team Champions Paramecium and Scott Thunder would have to defend their belts against the formidable team of Skarekro & Skavenger.
In other action, HaRdCoRe Champion Lestat would be forced to defend his belt against former ally Stratus.
Also, AssassiNation manager Bad Boy Barrett would have to put his business relationship with Lightheavyweight Champion 'Cunning' Chris aside when they compete for the Lightheavyweight Championship.
All this and more at Dangerzone 71.
Mixed Tag Team Match
Sugar Kooky / Spaz vs. Supply & Demand
Our next contest was a mixed tag team match as Spaz and his new valet Sugar Kooky, took on Arabian Pimpman & Crack-Edd (Supply & Demand).
Since Spaz saved Sugar Kooky from her abductor a few weeks back, it appears she has been smitten with him. So much so, in fact, that he has lost all interest in her former Pimp (Arabian Pimpman).
Tonight Pimpman and Crack-Edd were hoping to win back Sugar Kooky's affections but after entertaining mixed tag action, Spaz was able to gain a pinfall against Crack-Edd.
Afterward, Pimpman pleaded with Sugar Kooky to return to her rightful home, but she ignored his plea and left the ring with Spaz.
Arachnid congratulated his brother Allen Vector on an impressive victory at our last PPV. Arachnid then asked if Vector would be interested in rekindling their brotherhood alliance and wrestling in tag team action later tonight. Vector agreed.
Lightheavyweight Championship
Bad Boy Barrett vs. 'Cunning' Chris
Bad Boy Barrett and Nymphous Fornicate of the AssassiNation had been attempted to convince Lightheavyweight Champion 'Cunning' Chris to join their ranks as of late. Though no formal arrangement had been reached, Barrett assumed the 2 had come to a non-verbal agreement. However tonight, he and Chris would be forced to compete by the T.W.O. Board of Commissioners.
Bad Boy Barrett, though he currently calls himself a manager, showed little ring rust in his Title shot, but showed that he still needed help from AssassiNation member Nymphous Fornicate to gain the upper hand.
When the referee saw the doubleteam maneuver he called for the bell and disqualified Barrett. Therefore, 'Cunning' Chris retained the Lightheavyweight Championship.
Stratus complained that he was again held back from regaining the World Heavyweight Championship at our last PPV. He said the powers that be made sure he was eliminated from the Battle Royal so that he would not be allowed to challenge Cadavor for the World Title.
This may have delayed Stratus from regaining the World Title, but tonight nothing could stop him from regaining the HaRdCoRe Championship.
Arachnid / Allen Vector vs. Out of This World
The brotherly team of Arachnid and Allen Vector took on and defeated Superbman and Zygoplath of Out of This World in an impressive tag team display.
Barrett and Nymphous Fornicate of the AssassiNation approached Lightheavyweight Champion 'Cunning' Chris backstage. They told Chris there were no hard feelings for what had happened earlier and they hoped that he would still be willing to join the group.
Chris declined the offer saying that he never intended to join and even if he had, after seeing their true colors tonight, he understands why nobody has any respect for the AssassiNation.
HaRdCoRe Championship
Stratus vs. Lestat
Though he could not regain the World Title at our last PPV, Stratus challenged his former ally Lestat for the HaRdCoRe Title at Dangerzone 71.
Lestat, however, during this grueling match showed Stratus who is boss with a spin kick to the back of the head and a quick pin.
It was announced that as a special stipulation for next week's tournament, anyone currently holding a singles title could not compete. This move would prevent the possibility of any wrestler holding 2 consecutive singles Championships. Of the wrestlers who could not compete in the World Title Tournament are:
Jobber Champion
Lightheavyweight Champion
'Cunning' Chris
Women's Champion
Missy Maniac
HaRdCoRe Champion
Even though Stryknieghn was suspended from active competition this week, T.W.O. officials could not prevent him from appearing as the special guess during a Trash Talkin' interview segment with the Trash Wrassla's.
This gave Stryknieghn the opportunity to air grievances toward the company. Stryknieghn said a tournament to crown a new champion was futile. Everyone knew he should be crowned the World Champion and for several reasons.
Stryknieghn outlasted 19 other competitors to win the number 1 contendership during the Battle Royal. In that match he also eliminated both Paramecium and Scott Thunder single-handedly.
Then when he faced Cadavor for the World Title, Cadavor knew his time was up so he faked an injury which caused the referee to call for the bell. Stryknieghn claimed Cadavor was not truly injured and therefore the ending of the match was a travesty.
However, in the event that the injury was legitimate, Stryknieghn felt that as the challenger, he should have been allowed to pin Cadavor for the win, or at the very least, given the belt when the referee saw that Cadavor could not continue.
Billy Bob and Jim Bob (The Trash Wrassla's) attempted to explain the reasoning behind the decision to hold a tournament but Stryknieghn wouldn't listen.
Stryknieghn said that if he would not be given then belt, then he would be forced to enter the tournament and put the other 31 competitors in the hospital, if that's what it took to regain the title which is rightfully his.
World Tag Team Championship Match
Skarekro / Skavenger vs. Paramecium & Scott Thunder
In our Dangerzone 71 main event, Paramecium and Scott Thunder defended the T.W.O. Tag Team Championships against Skarekro & Skavenger. For the last few months, Skarekro & Skavenger have successfully played mind games with other members of the T.W.O. but Paramecium and Thunder refused to fall victim to their games.
In the end, Paramecium and Scott Thunder retained the T.W.O. Tag Team Championships and announced that they both would be entering the 32 man Tournament for the World Heavyweight Championship. They guaranteed fans that at least one of them would walk away with the gold at the conclusion of our next PPV.
Stay tuned to find out who enters, and who will advance in our first ever 32 man tournament beginning next week.
Next week: Opening Round Action...