Arachnid & T.W.O. HaRdCoRe Champion Allen Vector came out to the ring and announced that they would be teaming together to challenge Paramecium & Scott Thunder for the Tag Team Championships at next week's No-Remorse '03.
Paramecium & Thunder, T.W.O. Tag Team Champions, came out to the ring and demanded that in return Scott Thunder be allowed to challenge Allen Vector for the HaRdCoRe Championship tonight.
Arachnid & Allen Vector agreed. "While we're at it," Arachnid said, "how about me vs. you as a bonus non-title match tonight, as payback for your doubleteam last week?" It was agreed.
Therefore, tonight we will see:
Paramecium vs. Arachnid
HaRdCoRe Championship
Scott Thunder vs. Allen Vector
And at No-Remorse '03, Arachnid & Allen Vector will team together to challenge Paramecium & Scott Thunder for the T.W.O. Tag Team Championships.
Skarekro & Skavenger vs.
Lamirda & 'Cunning' Chris
As a measure of revenge for the unprovoked attack last week, the odd pairing of Lightheavyweight Champion 'Cunning' Chris and No. 1 contender Lamirda defeated the team of Skarekro & Skavenger.
Winners: Lamirda & 'Cunning' Chris
Lestat and Stryknieghn argued backstage over their tag team encounter last week. Lestat said that Stryknieghn was the worst tag team partner he's ever had and Stryknieghn yelled back, telling Lestat he would never hold the World Title.
'Naughty' Nikki vs. Sugar Kooky
Our next match saw 'Naughty' Nikki and Sugar Kooky compete in female competition. Not only did Sugar Kooky win the match but she made it a point to humiliate Missy Maniac's friend Nikki.
Winner: Sugar Kooky
Spaz and Billy HaRdCoRe were seen arguing backstage over last week's match as well. Their argument however was over which of the 2 of them would make a better opponent for the World Heavyweight Champion.
The T.W.O. Board of Commissioners could see something had to be done to relieve the tension between the World Title contenders. Therefore, the Board sent in Superbman with a special announcement.
Announcement: This notice is being served to World Heavyweight Champion Stryknieghn, No. 1 Contender Lestat, and future championship hopefuls Spaz & Billy HaRdCoRe. It is apparent that the 4 of you can not be forced to co-exist in tag team competition. Therefore we will allow you to hash out all your differences, in the ring, tonight, in non-title competition. This 4-way battle will be contested as nothing more than a show of skill. Lestat's World Title Shot will still take place, as planned, at No-Remorse '03. As an added bonus, if the 4 of you cannot settle your feuds tonight, a bonus match will be signed for No-Remorse '03 between Spaz & Billy HaRdCoRe. We hope you all will comply to these wishes and compete as backyard wrestling professionals.
Arachnid vs. Paramecium
As payback for his doubleteam last week Arachnid challenged Paramecium in what would be a hard fought match-up. Arachnid received several nearfalls but was defeated with the Swanton off the fence.
Winner: Paramecium
NOTE: This incredibly popular Trash Talkin' segment is brought to you by one of the best tag teams to ever hit backyard wrestling, Jim Bob & Billy Bob, The Trash Wrassla's.
- This notice required by The Trash Wrassla's
The Trash Wrassla's were more than happy to welcome T.W.O. Women's Champion Missy Maniac as their guest this week. After several well thought out inquiries like "what will yuz be doin' after the show tonight?" A guest made her way to the ring.
Sugar Kooky asked Missy Maniac why she had not yet been given a title shot. Missy apologized saying that she has no control over who she fights. But Sugar Kooky did not believe the Women's Champion. Instead she attacked Missy and proceeded to rip the Women's Championship off Missy's waist.
As the Trash Wrassla's, Jim Bob and Billy Bob, cheered and hollered, officials ran to the ring to separate the cat-fight which had ensued.
After all was said and done Jim Bob said, "gull dern it, I ain't never seen nuthin' like that before without havin' tee pay fer it!"
P.A.B. vs. John Cynic
John Cynic defeated P.A.B. in our next match. Afterward Cynic threatening to end P.A.B.'s career unless the fans showed him some respect. Fellow Acronym D.M.S. came to P.A.B.'s rescue.
Winner: John Cynic
'Cunning' Chris thanked Lamirda for being a gracious tag team partner earlier in the evening and as per their agreement, confirmed his intentions to defend the Lightheavyweight Championship at No-Remorse '03.
HaRdCoRe Championship
Scott Thunder vs. Allen Vector
In Allen Vector's most grueling Title Defense to date he took on Backyard Wrestling Icon, Scott Thunder. The match broke down however as Arachnid and Paramecium entered the fray.
Winner: Inconclusive
A frustrated John Cynic tore apart the Acronyms dressing room. Suddenly, the Acronyms arrived. They warned Cynic to stop being such a jackass and if he wanted to settle something he should settle it in the ring.
D.M.S. told Cynic to bring all his frustrations with him to the ring at No-Remorse and they would settle things in a good old fashioned fight.
Spaz vs. Billy vs. Stryk-9 vs. Lestat
Heavyweight competitors Spaz, Billy HaRdCoRe, Stryknieghn & Lestat fought in non-title action. During the malay, Lestat gained a pinfall on World Champion Stryknieghn. Lestat will receive a World Heavyweight Title shot at No-Remorse '03.
Winner: Lestat